Cubiko Knowledge Base (Bp and MD)
Knowledge base articles specifically about our metrics for Bp and MD integration customers.
Service opportunities
- Care Prompts: Send key care opportunities to your Best Practice appointment book
- Chronic Disease Management items and workflow (Potential new CDM patients, 721, 723, 732, 731, 10997)
- DVA CVC Program
- Health Assessment Items (75+, 715, 40-49 Diabetes, 45-49, 699 and item 10987) and workflow
- Indigenous Health workflow
- Item Optimisation overview
- Item 699 - Heart Health Check
- Medication Management Review
- Mental Health Treatment Plan and Review workflow
- Possible service opportunities today
- QuickCheck - getting started
- QuickCheck - how to use
- Top 10 MBS items
Financial reporting
- Appointment count and billings per appointment
- Average billings per patient
- Bulk Billing
- Billings per appointment
- Billings per consulting hour
- Billings per FTE
- Debt recovery workflow
- Gross billings vs amount due to Practice
- Item Breakdown
- Key Billing Reports (Billings and Payments)
- Payments by paid date
- Practice Summary
- Private billings gap
- Private billing opportunity
- Private billing percentage
- Telehealth billings
- Total Billings (by service date)
- Total billings (by service created date)
- Total CDM billings
Operational reporting
- Appointment bookings
- Appointment count
- Appointments (patients) per consulting hour
- Appointments per FTE
- Busiest booking time
- Clinic consulting utilisation
- Clinic utilisation today
- Consulting hours
- Diary wait time
- Did not attend (DNA) rate
- Hours
- Hours of Doctor time for each hour of Nurse time
- Incoming referrals
- Items by appointment type
- Maps
- New Patients
- Patient cohort analysis
- Patients per day
- Patient wait time
- Practice busiest time
- Practice Demographics
- Practice, Doctors, Nurses and Other Billing Practitioner's summary tables
- Room utilisation
- Shared health summary uploads
Billing opportunities
- After hours appointment does not match billing
- Appointment length does not match billing
- Billings on hold
- Historical 10997 opportunities
- Historical 10987 opportunities
- Historical flu vaccine opportunities
- Historical 93666 opportunities
- Historical MT83-MT89 opportunities
- Historical bulk billing incentive opportunities
- Outstanding Debt
- Prescribed pattern of services
- Uncompleted Patient Appointments
- Unbilled appointments
- Unbilled COVID-19 vax appointments
- Written off/Deleted/Cancelled
Appointment book management
- Appointment day sheet by appointment type
- Appointments that may not be eligible for Medicare-subsidised telehealth services
- Appointments to be rebooked
- Cancelled appointments
- Days till third next available appointment
- Doctor Unavailable hours
- Engaging with our usual patients
- Future unbooked appointments
- Outstanding Rejections
- Patient list
- Rebooking rate
- Unconfirmed appointments today
- Unconfirmed appointments for tomorrow
- Unbatched Invoices
Quality Improvement and Clinical workflows
- Investigations, contacted not given
- My CPD Outcomes
- Overdue reminders
- Pathology and imaging
- Patient Impact: Quality Improvement Measures
- Quality Improvement: Allergies / ADR
- Quality Improvement: DNA rate
- Quality Improvement: Item 699
- Recalls
- Recall appointments to rebook
- Skin items
- Unactioned inbox items
- Vaccination support: COVID-19 vaccine
- Vaccination support: Flu vaccine
- Vaccination support -Shingles: Patients possibly eligible for two doses of Shingrix
- MyMedicare - Actionable insights
- MyMedicare - Eligible patients with an appointment today
- MyMedicare - Guide to exporting and importing the CSV patient list into Cubiko
- MyMedicare - Upcoming telehealth patients who are not MyMedicare registered
- MyMedicare - for MedicalDirector
- MyMedicare - FAQ - Writeback to Bp
- MyMedicare resources
Integrations, forecasting and calculators
- Integration setup - Xero, Tanda & BetterConsult
- BetterConsult Integration
- Tanda Metrics
- Xero Metrics
- Appointments to meet billings target
- Billings calculator
- Full time equivalent Practitioners
- Future utilisation forecast
- Future room utilisation
- Practice Forecasting: Billings needed to break even
- Practice Forecasting: Billings and Patients
- Practice Forecasting: Full-Time Equivalent (Doctors)