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Written off/Deleted/Cancelled

The Written off/Deleted/Cancelled metrics provide practices with insights into any potential issues. Use it to keep a total of what invoices are being written off/deleted/cancelled and reduce the risk of fraud.

The Written off/Deleted/Cancelled metrics provide insight into invoices and how they are being handled at your practice. The metrics included are:


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List of written off/deleted/cancelled invoices

This metric shows a list of written off/deleted/cancelled invoices. This includes invoice date, date of the invoice, patient, invoice ID, Total fee ($) and whom it was updated by. Review this list to ensure that only people you have provided delegation to are writing off any invoices. 


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Use this metric to quickly find and export any invoices you wish to track down in your Practice Management System. 


TOP TIP! Use this table to find any patterns of who is writing off, deleting or cancelling invoices. This metric can help prevent fraud as well as find any invoices that should not have been written off, deleted or cancelled.


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Written off/Deleted/Cancelled

This metric provides insight at-a-glance as to the total number of invoices and total amount in dollars that have been written off/deleted/cancelled. In the background of the metric is a trend line as to how this has changed over time. 


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TOP TIP! Use this report to reconcile and understand if there may be a pattern as to when these written off invoices are being recorded, and whether specific users on certain days may be responsible.


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