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Overdue reminders

Use this metric to help determine where overdue reminders are required to assist patients in proactive patient care.

NOTE: This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

NOTE: Prior to the release of Best Practice Saffron SP3 on 17 May 2022, reminders that are marked as 'Actioned' may not be recorded as actioned in the data Cubiko accesses. Reminders due before this date will not be shown here unless enabled with the relevant filter.

This metric can assist with your patient's active participation in proactive healthcare. Our overdue reminders metric links to your PMS to help where a Practitioner has identified that a patient should be reminded about an important health issue that relates to their care. If a reminder is overdue, it means it is still to be actioned.

To navigate to this metric, go to Clinic Insights tab > Today's clinic metrics >  Overdue reminders


The sections included in this article relating to the Overdue Reminders metric are:

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Watch Chris and Christina discuss this metric from our Coffee & Cake Webinar



TOP TIP! Organise these reminders by 'created by date' to show older reminders, that may need deleting and are no longer relevant to your patient care. This is a great tool for pre-accreditation auditing! 

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Overdue Reminders

This figure is the number of reminders that are overdue. Click to see a list of these reminders and patient details.


The top number shows the total number of reminders due and the bottom number shows how many reminders are overdue within the last 90 days. This allows you to easily monitor if the number of reminders being performed is increasing or decreasing over time.

TOP TIP! Use the filters to narrow down your search parameters by Practitioner, to identify if there are trends that are occurring in your reminders.

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Overdue Reminders

This list shows a list of all patients who have overdue reminders against their chart in your PMS. All reminders are overdue, as of the day before.


The table for overdue reminders contains the following columns;

  • Internal ID - Use this reference if you want to send an SMS reminder via your third-party software (such as HotDoc)
  • Record no. - You can search using the record no. in your PMS 
  • Due date - When this reminder was due to be actioned 
  • Reminder ID
  • Patient
  • Reason - Reason entered when reminder was created 
  • Practitioner 
  • Created by
  • Patient last seen
  • Patient next booked - Shows if the patient has an appointment booked in the future, if there is no appointment this will show as 'no booking'


TOP TIP! Sort the column patient next booked and ensure that the reminder is marked as completed if the patient returned to the Practice for this service.



Cubiko offers extensive Item Optimisation metrics, but the beauty of using overdue reminders is that these reminders can be customised to suit your Practice. For example, some of your Practitioners may have a special interest in skin and like to set specific deadlines for patients to be contacted by the Practice team. Your team can then use the reminder function in your PMS, which can be monitored via Cubiko.

TOP TIP! Use the filters to sort by 'reason'. You can select multiple reasons, and they are easier to spot on the list even if they are subject to typing errors. 


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