Understand the total number of Appointments per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Practitioner in your practice over the last week, 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 26 weeks and 52 weeks.
This metric can assist in providing a summary of the number of appointments completed per Full time Equivalent (FTE) practitioner at your practice. Calculating your Appointments per FTE can be difficult, especially with part-time practitioners, and frequently changing hours amongst your team. Cubiko has made it easy to calculate, by looking at your historical data and doing it for you!
To navigate to this metric, go to Financial Insights > Full-time equivalent > Appointments per FTE
This figure represents the number of appointments completed per full time equivalent Practitioner (over the selected FTE Date Filter). A full time equivalent week is 38 hours, and is calculated from the Practitioners' session hours.
The sections included in this article relating to the A per FTE metric are:
TOP TIP! The information found in this metric can assist you in completing the Recruitment Data Prospectus
Appointments per FTE by Role
This figure shows the appointments per full time equivalent Practitioners by role for the selected time period.
TOP TIP! Use filters to see information on all the metrics by the specified role.
Appointments per FTE
This figure represents appointments per full time equivalent Practitioner. A full time equivalent week is 38 hours and is calculated from the Practitioners' session hours.
Here you can also see the total number of completed appointments across the specified date range (see filters), as well as your FTE for that time.
Weekly trend of Appointments per FTE
This figure shows how appointments per full-time equivalent Practitioner has changed over time.
TOP TIP! Use Filters to extend the date range you are reviewing and how this has changed over time. Do your appointments per FTE increase at certain times of the year? Perhaps when practitioners take leave, other practitioners' workloads increase.