This figure shows the proportion of available time that has been booked to see patients for today.
Higher numbers indicate your team is more heavily booked. Utilisation is calculated by dividing the duration of all booked appointments by the total available session hours for team members. Click to see Unbooked & Non-patient time, utilisation breakdown by roles and individual Practitioners.
To navigate to this metric, go to Clinic Insights > Todays clinic metrics > Clinic utilisation today
The sections included in this article are:
- Utilisation by role today
- Utilisation by Practitioner today
- Utilisation over the past 7 days
- Non-patient-facing hours by Practitioner today
- Unbooked hours by Practitioner today
Utilisation by role today
This graph shows the booking utilisation figure for today grouped by role. Higher numbers indicate that your team is more heavily booked. Some roles like nursing may complete non-patient-facing work so will ordinarily have more unbooked time in order to ensure practice support tasks are completed.
Utilisation by Practitioner today
This graph shows the booking utilisation figure for today, for each individual team member. Higher numbers indicate that the team member is more heavily booked.
TOP TIP! Use this graph each morning to help you understand how busy each of your practitioners are for the day ahead. This can help you identify which Practitioners will have availability for on-the-day, emergency and walk-in patients. This can also help your nursing staff prioritise non-urgent recall lists etc to fill up Practitioners with lower bookings.
Utilisation over the past 7 days
This graph shows both the booking utilisation and consulting utilisation over the past 7 days. Higher numbers indicate that your team is more heavily booked. Click to see booking and consulting utilisation broken down by role and Practitioner.
TOP TIP! Seeing the difference between booked and utilised time is important, so you can understand the fallout of those patients booked but not seen – is your DNA rate too high? Are you practitioners overworked with multiple concurrent bookings? Or do you need to reduce your appointment slot session times to ensure you are getting the right amount of appointments for your practitioners?
Non-patient-facing hours by Practitioner today
This figure shows the total non-patient-facing hours today for each team member. Non-patient-facing time is where the appointment book has been made unavailable or a non-patient appointment type has been booked (e.g. Other, Admin, Meeting).
TOP TIP! Use our Billings Per Consulting Hour by Practitioner metric located in ‘Past Clinic Metrics’ to determine how much revenue was lost to non-patient-facing hours, or how much you could gain if those appointments were free for patient bookings.
Unbooked hours by Practitioner today
This figure shows the sum of unbooked time today for each team member. Unbooked time is the available timeslots in the appointment book that could be allocated to patient bookings or non-patient work that supports practice operations.
TOP TIP! Use the "Unbooked hours" metric to see how many hours in the appointment book are still available that could be allocated to patient bookings or non-patient work that supports practice operations example- Nurse availability, nursing staff could plan to catch up on recalls, reminders and preventative health reminders for CDM and Health assessments. Use our recalls, overdue reminders and item optimisation metrics for patient lists.