Reduce costly admin time and improve your Patient experience, by using QuickCheck in your Practice
This feature is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.
Cubiko QuickCheck is an add-on feature for existing Best Practice software integration Cubiko customers. With QuickCheck, a viewer can select up to 10 patients and check multiple item numbers against their Medicare eligibility. A viewer is also able to search a specific Patient for their eligibility by using the Patient Search function.
TOP TIP! If you want to know how to get started with QuickCheck and what item numbers are included, please click here.
QuickCheck allows you to know with certainty if patients are eligible for a Chronic Disease Management or Mental Health item and have not been billed these at another practice.
To navigate to QuickCheck, go to QuickCheck tab on the Home screen.
There you will see:
- QuickCheck appointments
- QuickCheck patient search
NOTE! QuickCheck patient search allows MBS item eligibility checks on any patient at the practice, excluding patients who are recorded in the PMS as inactive, deceased or have elected to opt out of de-identified data extraction.
The sections included in this article relating to using QuickCheck are:
- Watch our webinar about QuickCheck
- QuickCheck access
- QuickCheck appointments
- QuickCheck patient search
- QuickCheck and My Cubiko
Watch our QuickCheck webinar
QuickCheck can be used throughout Cubiko and by multiple Viewers. Check out our latest webinar with some helpful tips about how to use this in your Practice.
TOP TIP! If you do not have QuickCheck and would like to set this up, log into Cubiko, go to Settings > QuickCheck , and click on Join the waitlist.
QuickCheck access
Once you have signed up for QuickCheck, you may need to add access to the cabinet in your Viewer Settings.
If you do not have access to this area, you can check with the Cubiko contact in your practice (usually the Practice owner, or Practice Manager), to provide you with access.
Follow this guide to set up access simply and quickly, to the Viewers you would like to have access.
QuickCheck appointments
Watch our short video below on how to use QuickCheck appointments.
Once you have access you can view the QuickCheck appointments area of Cubiko, and will see two tabs.
The first tab is Potential eligibility which shows a list of patient appointments that are scheduled to take place over the next few days and the patient's potential eligibility for chronic disease management items or mental health treatment plan items.
Please note, this list is current as of the last time the data was updated, usually overnight.
This is one area of QuickCheck where you can run eligibility checks.
To do this, select the patient/s from the list shown in the table. Select the patient by checking the box at the start of the table, which will turn the checkbox blue.
Alternatively, if you want to check a few patients at a time, you can select the box at the top of the table, which allows you to select the next 10 patients in the table (that have not already been checked that day).
You can also filter this table, using the filters in the sidebar. For example, you may want to only check patients for one specific Practitioner, or for one specific eligibility type.
Once you have selected the patients you want to check from the list, select Run Eligibility Check in the top right-hand side of the screen.
Once you select this, you will need to agree with the disclaimer in order to continue running the check.
Wow - that was quick! Your request will only take up to 60 seconds to complete and is dependent on the speed of your browser and internet connection.
Your results for the checks run on the patients and item numbers selected will now show in the second tab Verified eligibility.
Details verified refer to the Medicare card verification. If it was unable to be verified, then most likely the Medicare card number for that patient needs to be updated in your Practice Management Software.
Any patients that are checked through QuickCheck appointments will show results in the My Cubiko 'My service opportunities' table for the relevant Practitioner. See more information about how this works below QuickCheck and My Cubiko.
QuickCheck patient search
Watch our short video below on how to use QuickCheck patient search.
Once you have access you can view the QuickCheck patient search area of Cubiko, and will see two tabs.
The first tab is Check patient, which allows you to select a patient in your practice management software (PMS) database, choose a practitioner to run the check against, a date the service will be performed and select the item/s to check eligibility for (chronic disease management or mental health treatment plan items).
Please note, this list is current as of the last time the data was updated, usually overnight. Any new patients added to your PMS on the current day will not show until Cubiko extracts data from the server overnight that evening.
Select Run Eligibility Check to perform the check on the patient and item number/s selected.
Once you select this, you will need to agree with the disclaimer in order to continue running the check.
Wow - that was quick! Your request will only take up to 60 seconds to complete and is dependent on the speed of your browser and internet connection.
Your results for the checks run on the patient and item numbers selected will now show in the second tab Verified eligibility.
Details verified refer to the Medicare card verification. If it was unable to be verified, then most likely the Medicare card number for that patient needs to be updated in your Practice Management Software.
Any patients that are checked through QuickCheck patient search will show results in the My Cubiko 'Verified patient items' table for the relevant Practitioner. See more information about how this works below QuickCheck and My Cubiko.
QuickCheck and My Cubiko
Watch our short video below on how QuickCheck works with the My Cubiko cabinet for doctors.
Results from eligibility checks run on patients in both QuickCheck patients and QuickCheck patient search will show in the My Cubiko cabinet for doctors in your practice who have access.
Any patients that are checked through QuickCheck appointments will show results in the My Cubiko My service opportunities table for the relevant Practitioner.
These results will also flow through to the pop-out window for the doctor, so they can review eligibility checked for patients as they attend throughout the day.
TOP TIP! Items in bold are eligible to be billed to Medicare and items crossed out, are not eligible to be billed.
Any patients that are checked through QuickCheck patient search will show results in the My Cubiko Verified patient items table for the relevant Practitioner.
To access this table, click through on the My service opportunities table heading to a further detailed page and table with three tabs. Select the Verified patient items tab to see those patients checked through QuickCheck any search function.
Review the Eligibility to claim column to check if the patient is eligible for the item checked.
'Patient is eligible to claim for Medicare with details provided' means the patient is eligible for this service item to be billed to Medicare.
'Maximum number of services for this item already paid' means the patient is not eligible for this service item to be billed to Medicare.