MyMedicare - Actionable insights

Key MyMedicare metrics and actionable steps to analyse which patients are registered and could be registered

The MyMedicare cabinet is full of actionable data and key insights to assist you in analysing the current patients who are MyMedicare registered with your practice and patients eligible to register for your practice.

NOTE! To see the metrics relating to MyMedicare registered patients you will need to export this data from HPOS and import it into Cubiko.

Please see step-by-step instructions on how to do this here: Guide to Exporting and Importing the CSV Patient List for MyMedicare into Cubiko.

This function is only available to practices using Halo Connect.


The Management team can use MyMedicare metrics to view:

There are two additional key MyMedicare metrics designed for your Administration/Reception team that look at :


To navigate to the MyMedicare cabinet go to MyMedicare tab > MyMedicare cabinet


The sections included in this article are:


Understanding the Metrics and Key Components

  • Last upload: The date of the last MyMedicare import.
  • MyMedicare registered: Refers to a patient that has registered your practice under MyMedicare and this data will come from your CSV import from Proda. 
  • MyMedicare eligible: This will look at patients who meet the eligibility criteria for MyMedicare registration. The RACGP advises that most patients will need to have had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years to register. Source: DOHAC
  • Ineligible patients: Identifies patients who have not had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years but may have had previous billings in the below categories.
  • MyMedicare eligible patients with previous RACF billing: Identifies patients with a past billing history for RACF MBS items. These items include items 731, 903, 90001, 90020, 90035, 90043, 90051, 90002, 90092, 90095, 90096, 90183, 90188, 90202, 90212, 5010, 5028, 5049, 5067, 5260, 5263, 5265, 5267 and have had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years
  • MyMedicare eligible CDM patients: Identifies the patients that meet the eligibility criteria for MyMedicare registration and have had an item 721, 723, 731 or 732 (or equivalent) billed at the practice and have had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years
  • MyMedicare eligible telehealth/telephone patients: Identifies patients who have had a telehealth/telephone item billed at the practice and have had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years
  • MyMedicare eligible patients with previous MHTP billings: Identifies patients who have a history of MHTP billings and have had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years
  • Preferred Practitioner: A Practitioner is determined as being ‘preferred’ if they saw a patient more than other Practitioners in at least two appointments at the clinic in the past 365 days. If more than one Practitioner meets this criteria, the one seen most recently by the patient is shown.

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Using the metrics and data in your practice

MyMedicare registered patients breakdown

Identify the total number and percentage of MyMedicare registered patients, cumulative MyMedicare registrations and registered patients by age.

Use this metric to Identify the number of MyMedicare registered patients, here you will find an overview of the number of patients currently registered, the number of patients eligible but unregistered and the percentage of MyMedicare eligible patients registered. You will find on this page a detailed list of those registered with upcoming appointments. 

NOTE! If this figure is 0, a CSV import has not been completed.

To see the metrics relating to MyMedicare registered patients you will need to export this data from HPOS and import it into Cubiko.

Please see step-by-step instructions on how to do this here: Guide to Exporting and Importing the CSV Patient List for MyMedicare into Cubiko.


The key list on this page to use frequently is the List of eligible patients with upcoming appointments - Use this list to flag the patients who could be advised of patient registration whilst attending the clinic. 

Under the MyMedicare Patients tab, you will also see the Cumulative MyMedicare registrations and Registered patients by age:

Withdrawn MyMedicare patients

Use this metric to gain insight into the number of patients that withdrawn from your practice. 

MyMedicare eligible patients to register

View your total MyMedicare eligible patients in the practice and total MyMedicare eligible patients with no appointment in the next three months. 

Use this list to identify patients with upcoming appointments to determine if these patients could be advised of patient registration whilst attending the clinic. You can also identify patients with no appointment and determine if these patients should be contacted for patient registration. You can use this list to export to .csv and import it into your online appointment platform to bulk SMS patients. 

MyMedicare eligible patients:

MyMedicare eligible patients with no appointment in next 3 months:

MyMedicare patients with previous RACF billings

View your MyMedicare patients with previous RACF billings - both registered patients and eligible to register patients, alongside ineligible patients.

This metric is found under the MyMedicare cabinet > Cohort analysis

The front tile will show the Percentage of MyMedicare patients with previous RACF

This metric contains 3 key actionable lists:

  • List of registered patients with previous RACF billing

  • List of eligible patients with previous RACF billing - Use this list to identify patients with upcoming appointments to determine if these patients could be advised of patient registration whilst attending the clinic. You can also identify patients with no appointment and determine if these patients should be contacted for patient registration.

  • List of ineligible RACF patients- These patients have had previous RACF billings but are not eligible to register at your practice. Use this list to engage with those RACF patients to proactively book in with your practice so they become eligible to register with your practice. 

MyMedicare CDM patients

View your MyMedicare CDM patients - both registered patients and eligible to register patients, alongside ineligible patients.

This metric is found under the MyMedicare cabinet > Cohort analysis

The front tile will show the Percentage of MyMedicare CDM patients 

TOP TIP! Use the Percentage metrics to determine whether the RACF, CDM, or Telehealth/telephone category has the lowest percentage of registered MyMedicare patients, or identify which category is most crucial for your practice to focus on.


This metric contains 3 key actionable lists:

  • List of registered CDM patients

  • List of eligible CDM patients - Use this list to identify patients with upcoming appointments to determine if these patients could be advised of patient registration whilst attending the clinic. You can also identify patients with no appointment and determine if these patients should be contacted for patient registration.

  • List of ineligible CDM patients - These patients have had previous CDM billings but are not eligible to register at your practice. Use this list to engage with those CDM patients to proactively book in with your practice so they become eligible to register with your practice.

MyMedicare Telehealth/Telephone patients

View your MyMedicare Telehealth/telephone patients - both registered patients and eligible to register patients, alongside ineligible patients.

This metric is found under the MyMedicare cabinet > Cohort analysis

The front tile will show the Percentage of MyMedicare Telehealth/telephone patients. 

This metric contains 3 key actionable lists:

  • List of registered Telehealth/telephone patients

  • List of eligible Telehealth/telephone patients - Use this list to identify patients with upcoming appointments to determine if these patients could be advised of patient registration whilst attending the clinic. You can also identify patients with no appointment and determine if these patients should be contacted for patient registration.

  • List of ineligible Telehealth/telephone patients- These patients have had previous Telehealth/telephone billings but are not eligible to register at your practice. Use this list to engage with those Telehealth/telephone patients to proactively book in with your practice so they become eligible to register with your practice.

TOP TIP! These metrics help you look at which patients may be impacted by the changes to Telehealth & Telephone billings with MyMedicare. This allows you to prioritise which patients to discuss MyMedicare and patient registration with. 

MyMedicare eligible patients with previous Mental Health Care Plan billings 

This metric identifies a list of patients who have a history of MHTP billings who have had two face-to-face visits to the practice within the past two years. Use this list to identify patients with upcoming appointments to determine if these patients could be advised of patient registration whilst attending the clinic. You can also identify patients with no appointment and determine if these patients should be contacted for patient registration.

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Most valuable patients

Identify the most valuable patients and look to engage with these patients to ensure they register with your practice. 

This metric will help you identify your most valuable patients by identifying details for each patient that has been billed in the selected time frame. You can see how much each patient has been billed (inclusive of GST), the number of completed appts, their most recent appt, last seen doctor and usual doctor. Use this list within the metric to identify your most valuable patients and look to engage with these patients to ensure they register with your practice.

TOP TIP! Use the columns $Billed to see your top-billed patients alongside #of completed appts to see patients that have had the highest number of patients and look to engage with these patients to ensure they register with your practice. If patient registration for MyMedicare is restricted only to patients who are defined as MyMedicare eligible in your practice ensure you use the filter below:

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Additional Resources and Tools

    • Use the Resources tab within the MyMedicare cabinet to view trusted MyMedicare information and resources. 

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