This metric shows the number of appointments booked by each of your team members, including online bookings
This metric shows the total number of appointments made by your team members, including online bookings for the selected time period. This metric can assist in determining the number of appointments being made in your practice by each person with a login to your PMS, online, and also by which booking method.
To navigate to this metric go to Summary > Healthy practice indicators > appointment bookings
The sections included in this article relating to appointment bookings are:
Bookings by booker
This metric shows the number of appointments booked by each of your team members, including online bookings for the selected time period.
You can use the filter Select booking method to review how many appointments were made 'in person' or 'via phone/online'.
The 'in person' booking method refers to a patient who made a future appointment on the same day as their attended appointment at the practice. So in essence, assuming the patient made their future booking on the way out from their consultation at the practice.
The 'via phone/online' booking method refers to those appointments that were made at the practice when the patient did not have an appointment on the day they made the booking, assuming the patient phoned the practice to make that future booking. Online refers to any appointment booked via your online booking system.
TOP TIP! Run the data for the same period of time for each booking method for comparison. This will give you a great indication of how many of your patients are rebooking appointments when in the practice, the number of bookings being made through reception via phone, and the total amount of bookings you receive via online bookings.
Does your reception need to prompt patients to reschedule upon check out? Have all of your patients been made aware of how to book online appointments? Are your online bookings very low and perhaps marketing around this is needed?
You can view data for both options and by date range by using the following filters in the sidebar:
Date range: Select the time period you would like to look back on e.g. Last week
Select Booker: Here you can select individual or multiple people and view the number of bookings made over the selected period of time.
Select booking method: This option allows you to view those appointments that were either booked in person or booked via phone/online.
Trend of appointment bookings by booking method
This trend graph shows the number of appointment bookings made over time from both conventional methods (through reception) and online appointment vendors.
You can group this data on the graph by day, week or month using the Group by filter on the right-hand side.