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Integration setup - Xero, Tanda & BetterConsult

Explore our Integrations tab to easily access and connect with key integrations (Xero, Tanda & Better Consult).

The sections included in this article relating to setting up integrations are:

To connect all integrations, click on the integrations tab from your dashboard:

Connecting Xero

Cubiko and Xero work beautifully together. Connecting two cloud platforms has never been easier. Simply connect Xero to Cubiko with two clicks. With this, start to see your accounting data flow seamlessly to Cubiko.

Cubiko pulls over your data from your Xero account automatically every day. No work. No spreadsheets. No uploads.


To connect your practice's Xero account to Cubiko:

  • Click on the Xero cabinet from the integrations tab

  • Click Connect Xero

  • Follow the steps to connect to Xero:

  • Enter your Xero login details

  • Choose what organisations you want to give access to by selecting from the drop-down box titled ‘Select an organisation’, then click the ‘Allow access’ button. If you have multiple organisations (subscriptions) connected to your Xero login, select which one you would like connected to Cubiko.

  • Xero will process your credentials and bring you back to Cubiko Manage
  • Confirm that you've selected the correct Xero tenant and press ‘Save’

NOTE: Please allow an overnight extraction for up-to-date data. 

  • Once you have connected Xero if you wish to add additional Viewer access to the Xero cabinet you can do that via Viewer Settings. Access to the Xero cabinet will be visible for any viewer with the permission "Standard Cubiko Metrics" but will not show for any other Viewers by default. 

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Connecting Tanda

See key insights about your practice's people and staffing costs including your historical labour cost breakdown and your staffing ratios, as well as predicted/future costs and ratios.


To connect your practice's Tanda account to Cubiko:

  • Click on the Tanda cabinet from the integrations tab.

  • Click Connect Tanda

  • Connet your Location. All of your locations (if you have multiple) will now appear. Select Include in metrics? which location data you want in your Cubiko account. If you don't select a location, then no rostered shifts or timesheets from Tanda for that location will appear in the Tanda cabinet for your Cubiko account.


    NOTE: You might have multiple practices, with one Tanda account for different locations and multiple Cubiko accounts. Here’s how it works:

    • Manage three practices in different locations with:
      • One Tanda account for all locations.
      • Three Cubiko accounts, each linked to a specific Tanda location.

    Log into Cubiko, switch between accounts, and connect them to the Tanda account, selecting the correct location for each.

    If you have multiple Tanda accounts under one login, the integration still works. Log in, and Cubiko will show all locations. Then, select the correct locations for each Cubiko account.

    • Select which Tanda teams apply to what roles

    With the locations chosen you want for that account, then go across an select Teams.

    This will list all of the teams that belong to the locations you have chosen from Tanda.


    Name is the name of the team from Tanda. Location is the Tanda location that team belongs to. 

    Team Grouping relates to how the data is filtered and presented in your Cubiko account. Go through and select which teams from Tanda match closest to the Team Groupings for Cubiko. 

    With the teams and locations selected, your Tanda configuration is finished!

    NOTE: Please allow an overnight extraction for up-to-date data. 

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    Connecting BetterConsult

    BetterConsult is a pre-consultation tool that captures your patient's presenting symptoms, medication and other relevant clinical information. It then translates the data into concise medical notes, ready for your review.

    To connect BetterConsult:

    • Click on the BetterConsult cabinet from the integrations tab.

    • Click Connect BetterConsult

    • Email BetterConsult support at support@betterconsult.com with the following information:

    I {individual name}, {role name} at {practice name} consent to HealthShare providing de-identified BetterConsult data to Cubiko for the purpose of providing reporting within the Cubiko dashboard.

    • HealthShare will then email Cubiko at support@cubiko.com.au with the credentials required for us to turn on your BetterConsult Integration
    • Once complete the Cubiko support team will notify you that you can now use your better consult cabinet. 
    • To use the cabinet click on the BetterConsult cabinet from the integrations tab.

    NOTE: Please allow an overnight extraction for up-to-date data. 

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