Doctor Unavailable hours

This metric shows the total doctor unavailable hours over the selected time period.

Practices can use this metric to quickly see where doctors are marked as 'unavailable' to see patients over the selected time period. 


TOP TIP! Use this metric to plan your coming weeks. If you have a large percentage of scheduled sessions with doctors marked away, you may make less billings in that time period.


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% of scheduled sessions

This metric represents the percentage of scheduled sessions that are marked as 'unavailable' to see patients. Check this metric regularly and find what the right balance is for your practice. A reduction in scheduled sessions by Practitioners marked as 'unavailable' can have an impact on your total available hours to see patients, and therefore may impact your billings. 


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Unavailable hours per Doctor

This metric provides a table showing the number of hours marked as 'unavailable' by individual doctors over the selected time period.  


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Unavailable hours per day

This metric breaks down your doctors' unavailable hours by appointment slot each day. It includes the reason (if any provided) they are unavailable and the number of hours.


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