Item 699 - Heart Health Check

Recall patients in your practice to screen for risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

NOTE: This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.


The metrics in this cabinet can be used to increase screening for risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) such as heart attack or stroke in your active patient database. 

Eligibility for a Heart Health Assessment (item 699 and non-VR item 177 ) is measured as patients who are 30 years or older. A patient is rendered ineligible for a Heart Health Assessment (and will not appear on this list) if there have been any Health Assessment services billed in the previous 12 months. Always provide these lists to your Practitioners to make billing decisions.

You can navigate to this metric by going to Clinic optimisation > Item optimisation > Item 699



NOTE!  We note that there appears to be conflicting guidance from Medicare: see entry for item 699 (which states all adults 30 years of age or older are eligible) and note AN.14.2 (which states adults 30 years or older who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or all other adults 45 years or older are eligible).

To accommodate both interpretations of the MBS, we include a filter to enable the inclusion/exclusion of patients aged 30-45 years who do not identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Tick 'Include all adults aged 30-45 years' in the metrics, or leave this unticked to include only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients younger than 45.


TOP TIP! The Heart Foundation has created a Toolkit for General Practice to help integrate the Heart Health Check into routine patient care.  You can access this Toolkit here.


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Possible item 699 billings

This metric shows the potential billings for the practice based on the current MBS fee and the number of patients currently eligible for item 699. 

NOTE: The total is based on the MBS fee schedule shown beneath from your billings last month. This will not take into account any gap fee that your practice may charge.

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No. of patients for item 699

This metric shows the number of patients eligible for item 699 who have not had any Health Assessments in the past 12 months. 

TOP TIP! Download our Heart Health Check Workflow resource to help implement providing Heart Health Checks in your practice. 

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List of eligible patients for item 699

This table shows a list of patients who may be eligible for item 699. Eligibility for a Heart Health Assessment (item 699 and non-VR item 177 ) is measured as patients who are 30 years or older. 

You can use the filter 'Patients with 3+ appts in 2 yrs' to see only your RACGP Active Patients in the list. 

You can use the filter 'Exclude Patients eligible for other Health Assessments' to exclude patients who may be eligible for other health assessments. 

TOP TIP! use the filters on the page to filter by Patients with 3+ appts in 2 yrs to see only your RACGP Active Patients in the list and use the filter Exclude Patients eligible for other Health Assessments to exclude patients who may be eligible for other health assessments. 

Use the filter "Include patients with only covid vax billings" to include patients with only covid vaccine item billings in your practice in your eligibility list.

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