Appointments to be rebooked

Quickly identify patients who need to be rescheduled with Practitioners who are away


To navigate to this metric, go to Clinic Optimisation > Appointment optimisation 

This metric shows a count of patient appointments for each Practitioner requiring rescheduling due to a practitioner now being marked away or because the practice is closed.


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The sections included in this article relating to this metric are: 

    Watch our Coffee and Cake Webinar on this metric!


    Total appointments to be rebooked

    This metric is a clear indicator that there are currently patients in your appointment book that currently have no Practitioner available.

    These patients need to be contacted to be rescheduled or to be advised of a change to their appointment. 


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    Appointments to rebook by Practitioner

    Appointments to rebook by Practitioner shows the number of patient appointments per Practitioner that require rebooking due to the Practitioner not being available any more on that date and/or time. 


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    Appointments to be rebooked by date

    This metric shows the dates for the selected date range that have an appointment booked with a Practitioner marked as away or the practice is closed that needs to be rescheduled. 



    This is an easy way to see which dates in the appointment need attention from your reception/admin team. 

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    List of patient appts booked with Practitioner marked away 

    This metric shows a list of patient appointments booked with Practitioners marked as away or if the practice is closed. You can download this list of all appointments which require reviewing and rebooking for your admin/reception team. 

    The list defaults to be in appointment date and time order for ease of knowing which ones to action first, but the list can be ordered by sorting any column in ascending or descending order.


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    TOP TIP: Select a practitioner from the filter, to create a list by Practitioner which can be printed and given to each Practitioner. This way, Practitioners have the ability to review if they need to see the patient themselves (meaning an ad-fit or double booking before they are away) or if the patient could be seen by another Practitioner. 

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