Future unbooked appointments

This metric shows the total appointments and hours that are free to book over the next 7 days.

You can use this metric to look ahead at your appointment book for a selected time period (default is 7 days) to see how many appointments or hours are still available to be booked. 

You can find this metric at Clinic Insights > Future clinic metrics > Future unbooked appointments 

This metric includes:

TOP TIP!  Use this metric to find those Practitioners with the most free appointments over the next 7 days, and in conjunction with our Item optimisation cabinet, start recalling eligible patients to help fill them up!


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Future unbooked appointments

This metric provides the total number of unbooked appointments for your practice over the selected time period (default is 7 days). 

You can change the date range, by clicking the Date filter in the sidebar to the next fortnight, next month, or a custom date range. 

TOP TIP! Set a goal for this metric! If you want to increase utilisation across your Practitioners, use this metric to quickly see how many unbooked appointments you have for your practice.

You can set a goal for your reception team to aim to only ever have 'x' amount of unbooked appointments over the next seven days, this can greatly increase your utilisation of Practitioners. 

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Future unbooked hours

This metric provides the total unbooked hours for your practice across the selected time period (default is 7 days).

You can change the date range, by clicking the Date filter in the sidebar to the next fortnight, next month, or a custom date range. 

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Future unbooked appointments by Practitioner

This metric provides the total unbooked appointments broken down by each Practitioner. Use it to quickly find which Practitioner has the most upcoming unbooked total appointments. 

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Future unbooked hours by Practitioner

This metric provides the total unbooked hours broken down by each Practitioner. Use it to quickly find which Practitioner has the most upcoming unbooked total hours .

TOP TIP! Use this metric when looking for which practitioner to book new patients with. If you have a Practitioner who consistently has many unbooked hours then, if appropriate, you can funnel new patients to them to help support them and increase their patient base. 

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Trend of future unbooked appointments

This metric details the trend of unbooked appointments across the selected time period. Select a longer time period, for example, next month to analyse specific days that may be consistently unbooked.

TOP TIP! Select 'next month' for the date period in the date filter. Then select a Practitioner to see specific trends for that particular Practitioner.

This is useful to see if a Practitioner wants to increase or decrease their hours at your practice, you can find which days it is that you have the most unbooked appointments. Channel additional Practitioner hours into the days your practice is consistently booked out in advance.

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Trend of future unbooked hours

This metric details the trend of unbooked hours over the selected time period. Select a longer time period, for example, next month to analyse specific days that may be consistently unbooked.

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