Patient list

This page contains a list of all patients at the practice. Filter this list for key patient insights via age, location, usual Doctor and more!

This metric provides a comprehensive overview of all patients within the practice. The table can be customized to display the top 1000, 10,000, or 50,000 patients. Numerous filters are available within this metric, enabling you to pinpoint relevant data.

Any team member with access to the Patient Cohort Analysis cabinet can utilise this list. Examples of how this list can be utilised include:

  • Retrieve a list of active or RACGP active patients aged 65 and above, potentially eligible for a shingles vaccine
  • Identify patients aged 74 to notify them of eligibility for an over-75 health assessment on their next birthday
  • Compile a comprehensive list of practitioner patients
  • Identify patients holding concession cards
  • Compile a list of all DVA cardholders
  • Identify patients with no recorded allergies


To navigate to this metric, go to Clinic Insights > Patient cohort analysis > Patient list tab


The sections included in this article are:

Understanding the Metric and Key Components

The key default filters that will apply to the list are:

1. Top 1000 patients- drop this down to view up to 50,000 patients

2. All patients- The list will default to show you all patients, you change the list via this filter to focus on patients with appointments or with no appointment booked

3. Active patients- The default view of the list will display patients marked as active. However, you have the flexibility to adjust the toggle, allowing you to view patients marked as inactive or deceased as well. Alternatively, you can utilise the "RACGP active patients" filter below to specifically focus on patients considered 'active' by the RACGP, meeting the criteria of having attended three or more appointments at the practice over the last two years.

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Using the Metric and Data in Your Practice

Please see some examples below of how this list can be utilised- please note you can use many filters and sort the columns to define the patient list!

TOP TIP! The patient list can be exported to perform a bulk SMS to recall patients to book for a health assessment. Read more information here about how to export a csv file to send bulk SMS using your third-party software provider, using the internal ID on these patient lists within Cubiko.


1. Retrieve a list of active or RACGP active patients aged 65 and above, potentially eligible for a shingles vaccine:

To access this list, review your default filters located above under "Understanding the Metric and Key Components." Next, utilise the Age bracket filter and choose the option "65-74" and 75+ to generate a comprehensive list of active patients aged 65 and above. Ensure that you adjust the default setting from the top 1000 patients to the top 50,000 patients to encompass your entire patient population.

2. Identify patients aged 74 to notify them of eligibility for an over-75 health assessment on their next birthday

To access this list, review your default filters located above under "Understanding the Metric and Key Components." Next, utilise the Age bracket filter and choose the option "65 to 74" to generate a comprehensive list of active patients aged 65-74.

Within the "List of patients," opt for the "Age" column and select the descending order to organise your list. This arrangement will prioritize patients aged 74 and below, bringing them to the forefront for further attention.

Ensure that you adjust the default setting from the top 1000 patients to the top 50,000 patients to encompass your entire patient population.

3. Compile a comprehensive list of practitioner patients

To access this list, review your default filters located above under "Understanding the Metric and Key Components." Next, utilise either the Usual doctor filter (if this has been selected in the patient details) or the Last seen doctor filter to generate a comprehensive list of active patients per practitioner. 

4. Identify patients holding concession cards

To access this list, review your default filters located above under "Understanding the Metric and Key Components." Next, utilise the Concession card filter to generate a comprehensive list of active patients that hold a type of concession card. Please note you can select multiple options here and you can also identify patients that do not have any specified. 

5. Compile a list of all DVA cardholders

To access this list, review your default filters located above under "Understanding the Metric and Key Components." Next, utilise the DVA card filter to generate a comprehensive list of active patients that hold a type of DVA card. Please note you can select multiple options here and you can also identify patients that do not have a DVA card.

6. Identify patients with no recorded allergies

To access this list, review your default filters located above under "Understanding the Metric and Key Components." Next, utilise the Allergy/ADR filter to generate a comprehensive list of active patients who have no allergies/ADR recorded. 

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