Patient Impact: Quality Improvement Measures

Cubiko's Quality Improvement Cabinet provides a comprehensive tool for your practice team to engage in and complete Quality Improvement activities tailored to your practice's specific needs.

Our Quality Improvement metrics empower you to review key areas within your practice that may require improvement, offering clear, actionable insights to help you meet your goals.

NOTE: Some of the QI metrics in this cabinet may not be available for our MedicalDirector integration customers. Zedmed integration customers currently do not have a QI cabinet available. 

UPDATE 12th February 2025: Standardising "Active Patients" Definition

To improve clarity and consistency, Cubiko is aligning the "active patients" definition across all metrics. Going forward, we’ll use the same definition everywhere to align with the RACGP active patient definition. 

RACGP active patients definition - patients with 3+ attended, billed, or completed appointments in the last 2 years, who are not marked inactive or deceased in the Practice Management Software.

This means our Quality Improvement (QI) metrics will now match this standard, ensuring a clear and consistent view across Cubiko.

To navigate these metrics, go to Clinic Optimisation tab > Quality Improvement > Patient Impact.

The sections included in this article are:

1. Goal

This step helps you assess whether your practice goals are achievable by offering insights into patient eligibility across various categories. By reviewing the number of patients eligible and actionable for each measure, you can identify where improvements are needed.

TOP TIP! To set or update your practice goals head to Settings > Advanced > QI Goals. The goals you set here will be reflected in the metrics. Once you have set a practice goal, you can track the percentage of your goal that has been completed and see what is required to reach your target

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2. Measure

Use the percentages and trend graphs provided for each measure to track your progress and ensure you are on track to meet your targets. This can be measured against the practice goal, which can be amended in the Settings area of Cubiko. This data can be used to help study the progress of your Quality Improvement activity and recorded in your Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle.

Using the trend graph, we are able to forecast ahead as well as look back historically. Using our example trading graph above if looking ahead using the date range, the forecasted percentage of patients with influenza vaccine references the patients who are estimated to still have a current vaccine.

TOP TIP! Remember to record your targets in a PDSA cycle template and track your actions, how you measured them, and your future plans. A free PDSA template can be downloaded here.

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3. Action

For each measure, you can view your patient list and begin actioning steps to improve patient outcomes. 

The patient list provides you with the opportunity to select patients who have an appointment coming up, to be able to opportunistically provide the service to those patients indicated on this list if clinically indicated - this may be the first step you take to introduce this QI measure to your team.

You will also see patients here with "no booking" and can use this list to proactively reach out to your patients and book them for the service.  

Using Key Filters on the Pages:

Use the filters on the left-hand side to:
    1. Adjust your dates and PIP quarter.

NOTE: The date range selector is set to match the PIP Quarters. PIP Quarters are defined as:

  • 1 November to 31 January

  • 1 February to 30 April

  • 1 May to 31 July

  • 1 August to 31 October

    1. Filter via practitioners and appointment types

Use the filters on the table to:

    1. Use the toggle to Include "RACGP Active" patients (patients who have 3+ attended, billed, or completed appointments in the last 2 years, who are not marked inactive or deceased).
    2. Use the 'Patients with...' drop-down on the right-hand side of the table. Select the option to review this list daily or view it ahead of time to proactively book patients.

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4. Quality Improvement Measures

The numbered Quality Improvement Measures (e.g., QIM 02) are aligned with the Department of Health and Aged Care's Practice Incentive Program (PIP) 10 Quality Improvement Measures. You can view the full technical specifications here.

QIM: 75+ Health Assessment

This figure represents the percentage of patients aged 75+ who received a health assessment in the last quarter, out of the total number of patients who were potentially eligible for this service.

For a complete list of these patients, click here.

Eligibility is based on previous billings of health assessment items, which include both VR and non-VR item numbers. Potential billing revenue is based on item 703 and will not take into account any gap fees charged. See the MBS for more details.

Always provide these lists to Practitioners to make billing decisions. Please see our knowledge base article for more information about how to use these metrics, or download a copy of our PDSA template here.

These metrics are calculated based on the number of RACGP active patients at your Practice location, who are over the age of 75 and are included in the item eligibility lists for 75 + health assessments.

QIM: Proportion of Patients with Ethnicity Recorded

This figure shows the proportion of RACGP active patients who have their ethnicity information recorded. 

Selected Cubiko metrics to help identify any issue with the recording of patient ethnicity, highlight potential improvements, and track progress through a PDSA cycle.

As per the RACGP standards for General Practice (5th Ed, p99), to meet the standard of criterion QI2.1 Health Summaries, a practice must have a current health summary for at least 75% of your active patient health records, this health summary should include ethnicity and cultural background. These metrics are calculated based on the number of RACGP active patients at your Practice location.

QIM 02: Proportion of Patients with a Smoking Status Recorded

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

This figure represents the percentage of RACGP active patients with a smoking status recorded. These metrics are based on specifications from the Department of Health and Aged Care Quality Improvement Measure #2.

In line with these specifications, a patient aged 15 years and over is counted as having their smoking status recorded if:

  • The patient is 15 to 29 years old and their status has been recorded in the last 12 months, or
  • The patient is aged 30 years or older and their status has been recorded at least once since turning 30

QIM 04: Proportion of Patients Aged 65 and Over Immunised Against Influenza

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

This figure represents the percentage of RACGP active patients over 65 that have had a fluvax in the last 15 months.

These metrics are based on specifications from the Department of Health and Aged Care Quality Improvement Measure #4.

There are some clinical specifications that cannot be met. Cubiko is unable to exclude patients from the below measurement if they:

  • Did not receive the vaccination due to medical or system reasons, or because they refused it.
  • Had measurements outside of your practice that were not recorded in their patient record and have not visited your practice in the last 12 months.

QIM 05: Proportion of Patients with Diabetes Immunised Against Influenza

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

This figure represents the percentage of RACGP active patients with diabetes that have had a fluvax in the last 15 months.

These metrics are based on specifications from the Department of Health and Aged Care Quality Improvement Measure #5.

There are some clinical specifications that cannot be met. Cubiko is unable to exclude patients from the below measurement if they:

  • Did not receive the vaccination due to medical or system reasons, or because they refused it.
  • Had measurements outside of your practice that were not recorded in their patient record and have not visited your practice in the last 12 months.

Patients who have had gestational diabetes but also have Type 2 diabetes will be included.

QIM 06: Proportion of Patients with COPD Immunised Against Influenza

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

This figure represents the percentage of RACGP active patients who have a COPD status and have had a fluvax in the last 15 months, and more than 3 visits in the last 2 years. 

These metrics are based on specifications from the Department of Health and Aged Care Quality Improvement Measure #6.

There are some clinical specifications that cannot be met. Cubiko is unable to exclude patients from the below measurement if they:

  • Did not receive the vaccination due to medical or system reasons, or because they refused it.
  • Had measurements outside of your practice that were not recorded in their patient record and have not visited your practice in the last 12 months.

QIM 07: Proportion of Patients with an Alcohol Consumption Status Recorded

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers

This figure represents the percentage of RACGP active patients with an Alcohol consumption status recorded. 

These metrics are based on specifications from the Department of Health and Aged Care Quality Improvement Measure #7.

In line with these specifications, a patient aged 15 years and over is counted as having their alcohol status recorded if the status has ever been recorded.

QIM 10: Proportion of Patients with Diabetes with a Blood Pressure Result

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

This figure represents the percentage of RACGP active patients with a blood pressure result in the past 6 months.

These metrics are based on specifications from the Department of Health and Aged Care Quality Improvement Measure #10.

QIM: Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patients Registered for CTG

This metric is available to our Best Practice software integration customers.

This figure shows the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander RACGP active patients who are registered for CTG at your Practice.

Selected Cubiko metrics to help identify any issue with the Close the Gap (CTG) registration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, highlight potential improvements, and track progress through a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle. Please see our knowledge base for more information about how to use these metrics, or download a copy of our PDSA template here.

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Enhance Practice Quality Improvement with CPD Activities

Incorporate CPD into your practice's Quality Improvement efforts. Discover our "My CPD Outcomes" activities, designed to enhance Quality Improvement initiatives while earning CPD points for practitioners. Find out more here!

Example: Unlock Better Patient Outcomes with 75+ Health Assessments!

Identify patients over the age of 75 who may be eligible for a health assessment using Cubiko’s actionable patient lists. This is a whole practice team effort to align goals and improve patient care. Steps to get started:

1. Practice Collaboration - Quality Improvement Activity Use the Quality Improvement Cabinet (QIM: 75+ Health Assessment) to set and track your practice goals. Access patient lists and manage your progress here.

2. Earn CPD Hours - MyCPD outcomes Practitioners can earn up to 10 CPD hours by completing the Cubiko Data Analysis for patients aged 75+ who are eligible for a health assessment in the new My CPD Outcomes cabinet.

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