Unconfirmed appointments today

Quickly see a list of patients who haven't confirmed their appointment for the current day

This metric can assist in decreasing your practice DNA rate when used on a daily basis. 

To navigate to this metric, go to Clinic Insights > Today's Clinic Metrics > Unconfirmed appointments



The sections included in this article relating to Unconfirmed appointments today are: 


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Watch Chris and Christina discuss this metric from our Coffee & Cake Webinar



NOTE: Some of our graphics and layout have changed since this webinar aired but the content on how to use this metric in your practice is still relevant. 

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Unconfirmed appointments today

This figure represents the number of appointments booked for today that have not been confirmed using your built-in Practice Management Software (PMS) appointment confirmation tool. 

If your Practice uses manual confirmation, such as adding free text into an appointment, this metric may not be accurate to your appointment book.



TOP TIP! Provide your reception team access to the Today's clinic metrics cabinet in your Settings, so that they can use this metric each morning. 


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Unconfirmed appointments today - a list of your patients

You will also see more information about the patients who are due into the Practice today, who have not had their appointment confirmed.

The list will appear when you click further into the metric and includes columns such as:

  • Internal ID - which allows you to send a bulk SMS via your 3rd party provider 
  • Record no. - you can search your PMS database using this number
  • Time - time of patients appointment
  • DNA rate - calculated from the total number of times that this patient has DNA'd over the number of appointments that they have been scheduled for (including those that they have attended)
  • Patient - patient's first initial, surname, suburb and age
  • Practitioner - the Practitioner who that patient appointment is scheduled with today
  • DNAs in the past year - the total number of times this patient has had an appointment marked as did not attend in the past 12 months 
  • Appointments in the past year - the total number of times that patient has had an appointment scheduled in the last 12 months



NOTE: You are able to move the columns with your mouse by clicking on the lines in the header, which separate each column, to make the width bigger if required.


TOP TIP! Filter by the DNA rate column by descending order to bring those patients to the top, who DNA more regularly. You can then contact those patients first if your reception team is having a busy morning.


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