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  3. Potential missed billings and billing opportunities

Historical flu vaccine opportunities

Use this metric to identify flu vaccines that may be missing an invoice in the past 2 years

In this metric, you will find two tabs that identify flu vaccines that may be missing billing data. The first tab shows a list of vaccine immunisation records that have a visitID linked to a visit at your practice location, these immunisations do not have a corresponding invoice with a service date for the day that the immunisation was given. On the second tab, you can review all vaccinations that have an invoice at your practice location for any other irregularities. 

Historical flu vaccine opportunities can be located Cubiko home page > Clinic optimisation tab > Billing optimisation > Historical opportunities tab> Historical flu vaccine opportunities

The sections in this article relating to Historical flu vaccine opportunities are:

Flu vaccines without an invoice

This tab shows a list of patients who have received a flu vaccine in their immunisation history but have no corresponding invoice for that date. Vaccines in this list have been recorded your practice location for the location where the vaccine was given as per the vaccine's visitID.

TOP TIP! Use this list to identify patients who may have attended an appointment for a flu vaccine and have no corresponding invoice. Such instances can occasionally occur amidst the hustle of busy flu clinics, where billing for this service may have inadvertently slipped through the cracks.

Use your filters on the left-hand side to filter down this list via the practitioner. 

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Flu vaccines with an invoice

This list shows patients who have received a flu vaccine in their immunisation history and also have a corresponding invoice for that date that comes from your practice location.

This list is a valuable tool for verifying the billing of private flu vaccines within your practice. Refer to the "Item List" column to review billed items for the day, cross-referencing vaccine records and patient eligibility for government-funded vaccines. If a patient is categorised as "Not eligible for government-funded vaccine" and has received a private vaccine with billing limited to the consultation item alone perhaps a billing for the vaccine is to be raised OR you can identify this happening for particular practitioners and ensure private stock that the practice has purchased are being billed accordingly. 

TOP TIP! Use the filters on the left to filter down your list via Vaccine eligibility and vaccine name to assist you in targeting those who may not be eligible for government-funded vaccines:

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