Getting started with Cubiko: Workflows for your practice

Metrics to look through on a daily, weekly and monthly basis

Learn what key metrics your practice team can use on a regular basis to get more out of Cubiko!

We will list our suggested workflows below that you can adapt to your practice depending on what KPIs are important to your practice, the size of your team, and who is responsible for which areas. 

NOTE: At this stage, not all metrics are currently available for our MedicalDirector customers. The Cubiko team is hoping to make these metrics and insights available to you in the future.


The sections included in this article relating to Workflows for your practice are: 

TOP TIP! Make sure to get your team to add any metrics you want them to focus on in their Favourites page. You can learn more about how to create this here.

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Watch Chris and Christina discuss this metric from our Coffee & Cake Webinar

This Coffee & Cake webinar was specifically on the topic of Getting started with Cubiko: Workflows for your practice. Chris and Christina discuss how to use the suggested workflows in your practice. 



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Workflows download for your practice

Download our complete practice workflow overview that incorporates all the metrics for your team into one document.  

Download the Cubiko workflows document here

Download the My Dashboards - role workflow links

My Dashboard templates

Download our customisable workflow document
This template will allow you to create a workflow for each team member.

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Daily workflows

Use the suggested workflow table below to allocate tasks to your team to assist in utilising Cubiko in your practice every day. We have suggested some key metrics from Today's clinic metrics, Appointment optimisation Billing optimisation and QuickCheck for your daily workflows. 


*metric not currently available for MedicalDirector customers


What metric?


Today’s clinic metrics

Unconfirmed appointments today

Reception team

Today’s clinic metrics

Possible service opportunities today: Practitioner opportunities

Reception team / Practice Manager

Today’s clinic metrics

Possible Service opportunities today: Nurse opportunities

Nurse team

Today’s clinic metrics

Outstanding rejections*

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Today’s clinic metrics


Nurse team / Practice Manager

Today's clinic metrics

Recall appts to rebook*

Nurse team / Reception team

Today's clinic metrics

Overdue reminders*

Nurse team

Appointment optimisation

Appointments that may not be eligible for Medicare-subsidised telehealth services

Reception team

Billing optimisation

Uncompleted patient appointments*

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Billing optimisation

Unbilled appointments*

Reception Manager / Practice Manager


QuickCheck appointments*

Practice Manager / Reception team / Nurse team 

Today's Clinic Metrics

Unconfirmed appointments today

Use the 'Unconfirmed appointments today' patient list to see the details of booked appointments for today that have not been marked as confirmed in your appointment book. You can sort the list by the highest DNA rate to help you confirm patient appointments in priority order.

Possible service opportunities today: Practitioner opportunities

See a list of patients who are coming in for an appointment for the current day who may be eligible to have certain service item numbers such as Health Assessments, GPMPs, and vaccines completed. You can filter this list to provide the details to your individual Practitioners. 

Possible service opportunities today: Nurse opportunities

Use the Nurse items tab to see lists for items 10997 and 10987 of patients with appointments for the current day who may be eligible to have an item 10997 or item 10987 service performed and billed that day, based on your practice's billing history for those patients. 

Outstanding rejections

Understand what your current level of rejections is with your Medicare and DVA online claiming and the average age of the invoices that have been rejected. Remember, you have a time limit on how long you can wait until you resubmit a rejected invoice, so keeping an eye on this daily is important.


Gain a better understanding of your practice's recalls by seeing how many recalls are outstanding, breaking these recalls down by category type, and investigating how old these recalls are. These insights will give you an indicator of the performance of both your Practitioners and nursing team and how quickly the recalls are being followed up. Please note that we have excluded records where the test results were returned to the practice more than two years prior. 

Recall appts to rebook

This metric can assist in improving your patient care by ensuring that patients who require an appointment for a recall are not missed. This metric shows patients who did not attend the appointment type 'recall' which is used in your PMS. They also do not have a subsequent appointment booked or completed in your diary.

Overdue reminders

This metric can assist with your patient's active participation in proactive healthcare. Our overdue reminders metric links to your PMS to help where a Practitioner has identified that a patient should be reminded about an important health issue that relates to their care. If a reminder is overdue, it means it is still to be actioned.


Appointment optimisation

Appointments that may not be eligible for Medicare-subsidised telehealth services

Review the List of appointments that may not be eligible for Medicare-subsidised telehealth services to see a list of upcoming patient appointments that may not be eligible for Medicare-subsidised telehealth service rebate. Eligibility is based on whether the patient has had a face-to-face service at the practice in the past 12 months. 

Ensure you tick the box Telehealth appointments only to refine your patient appointment list. 


Billing optimisation

Uncompleted patient appointments

This set of metrics displays the number of appointments in the selected time period that are not marked as completed in your appointment book. The list of appointments that are not completed are Patient uncompleted appointments and All uncompleted appointments; the latter of these includes both patient and non-patient appointment types.

Unbilled appointments

Using this metric is a great way to identify any missed billing opportunities, the cause of which could range from reception staff accidentally not billing them, or the doctor not putting a billing through at the end of the consult or day. Given the additional challenges practices are dealing with, maximising cash flow from existing encounters is essential for the financial viability of the practice. With increased financial stability, the business is free to focus on caring for patients. In turn, this means more time can be spent on other activities that create more billing opportunities. 



Use this metric daily to quickly and securely verify patient item eligibility. Results for QuickCheck searches are valid for 24 hours and appear within our QuickCheck > Verified eligibility tab for anyone with access to the QuickCheck cabinet to view. Results are also displayed in the individual doctor's My Cubiko dashboard. 

NOTE: Cubiko QuickCheck is not included in the standard Cubiko Subscription; for more information on how to get started, please see Getting started with QuickCheck on our Knowledge Base. 

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Weekly workflows

Use the suggested workflow table below to allocate tasks to your team to assist in utilising Cubiko in your practice every day. We have suggested some key metrics from Summary of billings at the Practice, Practice operations summary, Item optimisation, Vaccination support, Future clinic metrics, Billing Optimisation and Appointment optimisation for your weekly workflows.


*metric not currently available for MedicalDirector customers 


What metric?


Summary of billings at the Practice

Billings vs target (Total billings)

Practice Manager

Summary of billings at the Practice

Total CDM billings

Practice Manager

Summary of billings at the Practice

Bulk billing rate

Practice Manager

Practice operations summary

Did not attend (DNA) rate

Practice Manager

Practice operations summary

New patients

Practice Manager

Item optimisation

Item eligibility lists for recall (varied depending on which item number your practice is focusing on)

Nurse team

Vaccination support: Covid-19 vaccine

Covid-19 booster vax*

Nurse team

Vaccination support: Flu vaccine

Patients eligible for NIP flu vax*

Nurse team

Future clinic metrics

Future utilisation forecast

Practice Manager

Billing optimisation

Historical 10997 opportunities

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Billing optimisation

Historical MT83-MT89 opportunities

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Billing optimisation

Historical 93666 opportunities*

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Billing optimisation

Billings on hold*

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Appointment optimisation

Rebooking rate

Reception team / Reception Manager

Summary of billings at the practice

Billings vs target (Total billings) (by service date)

The Total billings (by service date) metric is an overall view of the total billings within your practice; this metric is based on the service date of the invoice. This metric can assist your practice by increasing your awareness of your billings over time, based on the service date that they are provided, and be broken down by Practitioner and item number. You can enter a target for this metric in settings (optional).  

Total CDM billings

Take a closer look at your Chronic Disease Management billings. This metric can assist in tracking your Chronic Disease Management (CDM), Health Assessment and Nurse items revenue as well as potential CDM billings. This metric links to item optimisation and can help you increase your revenue and provide proactive healthcare by identifying and recalling patients who are eligible for a number of health services or reviews.

Bulk billing rate

This summary figure shows what percentage of your gross billings were bulk billed for the selected date range. You can break this down via eligibility type such as 15 years and under, health care card, pension card etc. Compare this to your Private billing opportunity to review your potential earnings if you were to privately bill items you bulk-billed and understand the impact of this on your practice billings. 


Practice operations summary

Did Not Attend (DNA) rate

These metrics provide more in-depth insight into the DNA rate in your practice so you can measure the impact of any DNA management processes that have been implemented to assist in reducing the number of DNAs in the practice. 

New patients

Tracking your new patients has always typically been a very manual task. Now, you can easily check how many new patients you have had over a given period by reviewing the data in this metric.  Gain insight into which Practitioners see the highest number of new patients, and data about how many new patients book online or through reception.  Great for tracking if your marketing strategies to attract new patients are effective. 


Item optimisation

Item eligibility lists for recall (varied depending on which item number your practice is focusing on)

Use the metrics in the Item optimisation cabinet to focus on a different item number each week and see a list of patients who may be potentially eligible based on your practice's billing history. Use these metrics to increase patient uptake in booking Health Assessments and Chronic Disease Management item numbers. 


Vaccination support: COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 booster vax

Find this metric under the Patient eligibility tab.

Review the list of patients who may be eligible to receive a COVID-19 booster vaccination, and do not have an appointment booked. The use of these metrics is dependent on setting up your COVID-19 appointment types in Cubiko Settings.


Vaccination support: Flu vaccine

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Patients eligible for NIP flu vax

If you need to increase attendance in your flu vaccine clinics, this table provides a list of patients who are eligible to receive the Government-funded flu vaccine, as per the National Immunisation Program guidelines. Check 'Exclude Covax appts' or 'Exclude flu vax appts' in the sidebar to remove those patients whose next appointment is either for a  COVID-19 vaccination or Flu vaccination. 


Future clinic metrics

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Future utilisation forecast

This metric provides valuable insight to practices about their upcoming utilisation in their practice and how full your appointment book is in the coming weeks. 

Review your graph showing your current utilisation figures for the next 7 days against the forecasted average utilisation based on the last 90 days. If current utilisation is below the utilisation based on the 90-day trend, it suggests that the clinic is likely to be less busy than expected on that day. Conversely, if the current utilisation is above utilisation based on the 90-day trend, it suggests that the clinic is currently tracking to be busier than expected on that day.


Blling optimisation

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Historical 10997 opportunities

Use this metric to see a list of nurse appointments that were with patients who were potentially eligible for an item 10997 but no item 10997 was billed with the same service date. If you use a specific appointment type for your nurse 10997 appointments, you can filter the list down by appointment type to check if the service was performed and the billing was completed.

Historical MT83-MT89 opportunities 

Use this metric to see a list of patients that may be eligible to have an item MT83 - MT89 billed. Eligibility is based on invoices that were billed to DVA and include telehealth or telephone services but do not already have a bulk-billing incentive already attached. This list will only include invoices that have a service date since March 13, 2020.

Historical 93666 opportunities

This metric can be used to look back and see missed potential 93666 incentive opportunities.
*Please note that this item was discontinued on 1st February 2023. This item can be billed retrospectively. Make sure to review the date of service and ensure you are billing the correct date. Service dates greater than 2 years ago will need to be claimed manually.

Billings on hold

This metric is where you will see, broken down by Practitioner, all held accounts within your Practice Management Software (e.g. Best Practice). This is a running list with no date filter to show all billings currently on hold. This list should be reviewed regularly to finalise any held accounts.


Appointment optimisation 

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Rebooking rate

Use this metric to see which patients who had an appointment in the date range selected have made a subsequent booking within the next 36 months. 

This is great for tracking those appointments that you want patients to rebook for on the way out such as:

  • Annual skin checks
  • GPMP and TCA review (choose your frequency)
  • Health Assessments (over 75 and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
  • Custom appointment types

The Appointments with no rebookings show those completed patient appointments that currently do not have another appointment booked in the following 36 months.

The Rebooked appointments not of selected type show those patient appointments that have other appointments booked in the next 36 months following the original appointment that are not of a booked appointment type selected in the filters.

Use the lists to have reception call those patients who didn’t rebook at the time, so they can book an appointment proactively.

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Monthly workflows

Use the suggested workflow table below to allocate tasks to your team to assist in utilising Cubiko in your practice every day.

We have suggested some key metrics from Practice Operations Summary, Billing Optimisation, Today's clinic metrics, Appointment optimisation and Quality Improvement for your monthly workflows.


*metric not currently available for MedicalDirector customers 


What metric?


Practice operations summary

Doctor summary

Practice Manager

Practice operations summary

Nurse summary

Practice Manager

Practice operations summary

Other billing practitioners' summary

Practice Manager

Billing optimisation

Written off/deleted/cancelled*

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Today’s clinic metrics

Outstanding debt

Reception Manager / Practice Manager

Appointment optimisation

Appointments to be rebooked

Reception team

Quality Improvement

Choose the one most relevant or the one you are currently working on in your practice

Practice Manager / Nurse team

Practice operations summary

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Doctor summary

This table shows you all the essential data by Practitioner that you might report on in a monthly, weekly or quarterly capacity. You can download this table to Excel using the download button in the top right of the metric. This metric looks at consulting utilisation, billings, CDM billings, billings per patient, billings per hour, patients per hour, bulk billing percentage, total appt count & new patient count in one table for comparison. 

Nurse summary

Similar to our Doctors' summary metric, we also pull the same data as above (minus the financials, which do not exist for Nurses).

Other billing practitioners' summary

Similar to our Doctors' summary metric, we also pull the same data for your other billing practitioners, such as allied health and specialists, for you to view and compare. 


Billing optimisation

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Written off/deleted/cancelled

This metric provides practices with insight into any potential issues. Use it to keep track of what invoices are being written off/deleted/cancelled and reduce the risk of fraud. 


Today's clinic metrics

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Outstanding debt

These metrics can help identify unpaid accounts to increase cash flow and reduce the risk of bad debt. Cash is key for the continued operation of the practice, so these metrics can be used to review and create lists for your team to chase up. Keeping debtors low not only helps with the cash flow, but it will also help show your Service Fee-paying practitioners that you and the practice are working on minimising what is owed by patients or other account holders.


Appointment optimisation

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Appointments to be rebooked

Review the List of patient appts booked w/Practitioners marked as away for a list of patient appointments that require rescheduling due to the Practitioner now being marked as away in the appointment book. It is important to provide patients with as much notice as possible so they can reschedule their appointment to a suitable time.  Change the default time period to look further ahead in the appointment book. 


Quality improvement

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Quality Improvement: Choose the one most relevant to your practice or the one you are currently working on

Once you have logged into Cubiko, navigate to Clinic optimisation. From there, select the cabinet Quality Improvement.

In this area, you will see a range of metrics to help identify areas for Quality Improvement, highlight actionable data, and track progress through a PDSA cycle.

Choose a QI activity that is most relevant to your practice to work on.  

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