Guide to completing the Recruitment Data Prospectus

You can use our Recruitment Data Prospectus template to help candidates gain a better understanding of the type of practice they’re looking to join.

There’s no doubt that many practices around Australia are currently facing the difficulty of recruiting and retaining staff and doctors in their practice.

The industry has become incredibly competitive, and many are having to find new ways to give themselves that competitive advantage. At Cubiko we believe that data can play an important role within the recruitment process to give your practice a better chance at landing the right candidate for you. This is why we’ve created this Recruitment Data Prospectus. 

You can use our Recruitment Data Prospectus to help candidates gain a better understanding of the type of practice they’re looking to join.

This fillable Recruitment Data Prospectus allows you to present the key business metrics a candidate may need to help them through the decision-making process. 

The sections included in this article are a step-by-step guide on how to fill in each section of the Recruitment Data Prospectus download with your Cubiko data:

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FTE metrics

Use our cabinet Full time equivalent practitioners which can be accessed via Financial insights > Full time equivalent to find your Billings per FTE and Patients per FTE over the past 52 weeks.

1. Billings per FTE

This metric can accessed via Financial Insights> Full time equivalent > Billings per FTE. This figure represents practice billings per full time equivalent Practitioner. A full time equivalent week is 38 hours, and is calculated from the Practitioners' session hours.

2. Patients per FTE

This metric can accessed via Financial Insights > Full time equivalent > Patients per FTE. This figure represents patients per full time equivalent Practitioner. A full time equivalent week is 38 hours, and is calculated from the Practitioners' session hours.

TOP TIP! Use the filter on the page “FTE Date filter” to drop down and change to 52 weeks, then fill in the figure for Billings per FTE and Patients per FTE on your download.

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Average per hour

Use our cabinet Past clinic metrics which can be accessed via Clinic Insights > Past clinic metrics to find your average Billings per hour and appointments per hour across your practitioners for the last 365 days.

1. Billings per hour

This metric can be accessed via Clinic Insights > Past clinic metrics > Billings per consulting hour. This figure represents practice billings per consulting hour (incl. GST) and how it is tracking against your target for the period selected.

2. Appointments per hour

This metric can be accessed via Clinic Insights > Past clinic metrics > Appts (patients) per consulting hour. This figure represents how many appointments your Practitioners completed based on the average consulting hour and how it is tracking against your target for the selected period.

TOP TIP! Use the filters on the page to change your date range to the last 365 days and also your role filter to only look at your “Doctors”. Fill in the figures for Billings per hour and Appointments per hour on your download.

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New patients

Use our cabinet Past clinic metrics which can be accessed via Clinic insights > Past clinic metrics > Diatries > New patients to find your New patients and new patient retention rate for the year to date.

1. New patients YTD

This metric can be accessed via Clinic Insights > Past clinic metrics > Diaries > New patients. This figure represents the number of patients who attended their first appointment in the selected period.

2. New patient retention rate

This metric can be accessed via Clinic Insights > Past clinic metrics > Diaries > New patients. This metric shows the total number of patients whose first appointment fell within the selected period, and what percentage of those have become regular patients of the practice, returning for a total of three or more appointments.

TOP TIP! Use the filters on the page to change the date range to 'This year' and your role filter to only look at your “Doctors”. Fill in the figures for New patients and New patient retention rate for this year to date your download. 

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Support team

Use our cabinet Practice operations summary which can be accessed via Summary > Practice operations summary to find your Doctor to nurse ratio and the number of allied health and specialists in your practice.

1. Dr to Nurse ratio 

This metric can be accessed via Summary > Practice operations summary > Dr to Nurse ratio. This figure shows the total ratio of Hours of Doctor time to each hour of Nurse time for the selected period.

2. Allied Health and Specialist support

This metric can be accessed via Summary > Practice operations summary > My other billing practitioners. This table shows you all the essential data by Practitioner for any  Allied health and Specialist in your practice. 

TOP TIP! Use the filters on the page to change the date range to “This year”. Fill in the figures outlining your Doctor-to-nurse ratio and the number of allied health and specialists in the practice for this year to date in your download.

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