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QIM: 75+ Health Assessment

Track the percentage of patients aged 75+ who received a health assessment in the last quarter. Use key metrics to help you set, track, measure and action your practice goal!

Cubiko's Quality Improvement cabinet provides a tool for your practice team to use to participate in and complete Quality Improvement activities that are specific to your practice.  Our Quality Improvement metrics will allow you to review areas in your practice that may need improvement. 

To navigate to this metric, go to Clinic Optimisation > Quality Improvement > Patient impact

TOP TIP! Quality Improvement activities assist practices with their Accreditation and PIP QI requirements.  

The sections included in this article are: 


Use this overview to understand if your goal is achievable.

Completion rate of 75+ health assessment

The main percentage figure on the left represents the proportion of active patients aged 75 or older who have been billed for a health assessment within the past 12 months.

It is calculated using the number of patients who were billed a health assessment item (701, 703, 705, 707, 224, 225, 226 or 227), against the total number of active patients who are aged 75 or older.

 Here you will also see:

  • The total number of active patients in your practice who are aged 75 or older.
  • The total number of those patients who have been billed for a health assessment in the past 12 months.
  • The total number of active patients over the age of 75 who have NOT been billed a health assessment in the past 12 months.
  • The potential billings as per the MBS rebate for health assessment item 703 (standard health assessment). See the MBS for more details.
  • The total number of those patients that are coming into the practice today that could potentially be eligible for a 75+ health assessment.
  • The practice goal and the percentage you have achieved of your total practice goal. 
  • The number of 75+ health assessments that need to be performed in your practice to reach your practice goal. 

TOP TIP! Update your practice goal in Settings > Advanced > QI Goals.

The goals that you set here will be shown in the metrics. 

NOTE! Patients who have a Telehealth appointment booked can be excluded from the number of patients coming into the practice today needing a health assessment. 

Use the filter for 'Include telehealth appointments' to set this off or on as per your practice preference. 

When your completion rate reaches around 90% of your target, you might want to begin including them and make your next goal to begin scheduling these patients for a face-to-face appointment, for them to receive their health assessment.

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Are you on track to reach your goals?

Use the metrics below to track how you have progressed with your 75+ health assessment completion rate for patients at the end of the previous PIP quarter, a breakdown of your progress, and the trend of your completion progress over time in comparison to your practice goal.

Your practice goal can be amended in the Settings area of Cubiko. This data can be used to help study the progress of your Quality Improvement activity and record your Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle.

TOP TIP! Remember to record your targets in a PDSA cycle template and record your actions, how you measured them, and what you plan to do next. A free PDSA template can be downloaded here.


HA completion rate for 75+ patients, end of previous PIP quarter

This measure shows at the end of the previous PIP quarter, the percentage of patients aged 75 and over who were billed for a health assessment in the last 12 months.

The figures below show the breakdown of these percentages and how they are calculated.

NOTE: PIP Quarters are defined as:

  • 1 November to 31 January
  • 1 February to 30 April
  • 1 May to 31 July
  • 1 August to 31 October


Historical HA completion rate for 75+ patients

This table breaks down the percentage of RACGP active patients aged 75 and over who were billed for a health assessment at the end of each PIP quarter. The figures show the breakdown of these percentages and how they are calculated:

  • Previous PIP quarter end date
  • The percentage of 75+ health assessments billed during that PIP quarter
  • The number of 75+ health assessments billed during that PIP quarter
  • The number of eligible RACGP active patients aged over 75 for a health assessment that you had at your practice during that PIP quarter

Trend of 75+ health assessment completion

The trend graph reflects the progress of your 75+ health assessment completion rate, which is determined by comparing the number of patients billed for a health assessment item (701, 703, 705, 707, 224, 225, 226, or 227) in the time period selected against the total number of active patients aged 75 or older during the same time period.

Use the date range filter to change the timeline for the trend graph. 

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Use these patient lists to improve patient and operational outcomes.

QI: List of patients who could be eligible for 75 + health assessment

This table shows the details for the patients aged 75 and older who have not had a 75+ health assessment in the past 12 months.

Use the 'Patients with...' drop-down on the right-hand side of the table, select the option to review this list daily or you can view it for a date range ahead of time to proactively book patients in for a health assessment. 

If time permits on the day, the patient can be seen for a health assessment. If not, you can ask the patient to rebook for a future date. 

QI: List of patients over 75+ who have been billed a HA

This list shows the details for the patients aged 75 and older who have been billed a 75+ health assessment in the past 12 months.


TOP TIP! Use the patient lists to help you action and prioritise your patients to help you reach your practice goal.

On this list of patients who could be eligible for 75 + health assessment, use the sort function on the columns to focus on specific patient groups, such as patients who show as never had a 75+ health assessment or prioritise patients by the number of days since their last 75+ health assessment. 

You can further segment and refine this patient list for more practical use. 

For example, you could filter to a list of patients who are coming in for an appointment on the current day and also by Practitioner and download and print that list to provide to that Practitioner to let them know which of their patients may be eligible for this health assessment.

You can also use this patient list to perform a bulk SMS to recall patients to book for a health assessment. Read more information here about how to download a csv file to send bulk SMS using your third-party software provider, using the Internal ID column on these patient lists within Cubiko.

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Key information about this metric

  • The date range selector is set to match the PIP Quarters. 
  • Eligibility is based on the billing history of your patients at your practice, which includes both VR and non-VR item numbers for health assessments. 
  • The potential billing revenue is based on the MBS rebate for item 703 (standard health assessment) and will not take into account any gap fees charged. See the MBS for more details.
  • Always provide these lists to Practitioners to make clinical and billing decisions.
  • These metrics are calculated based on the number of active patients who have had 3 + appointments in the last 2 years at your Practice location, who are over the age of 75, and who are included in the item eligibility lists for 75 + health assessments in Cubiko's Item Optimisation cabinet, here.
  • Remember to record your targets in a PDSA cycle template and record your actions, how you measured them, and what you plan to do next. A free PDSA template can be downloaded here.

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