Checklist for End of Month reporting

What should you check in Cubiko before any end-of-month reporting is completed?

Below are some key Settings and metrics that are recommended to check each month to ensure your data in Cubiko is up to date. 

NOTE: Some metrics in this checklist may not be available for our MD customers. 

Cubiko Settings

Click on the Settings menu option in the sidebar to go to your Cubiko Settings.


Why check?

What to look for 


New appointment types may have been created in your Practice Management Software (PMS) but not have been reviewed and set up in Cubiko as per your practice preferences. 

Look for any newly created appointment types (created date is listed in the last column) to ensure the correct tick box options are selected. 

Appointments created in the last 7 days will be highlighted in blue for ease of reference. 



New users may have been created in your PMS but not have been reviewed and set up in Cubiko as per your practice preferences. 

Ensure your Role Default settings are as per your practice preferences to make this step quicker and easier. 

Review new users that have been added.  Users created in the last 7 days will be highlighted in blue for ease of reference. 

Open Hours

Your opening hours have a direct effect on your Room Utilisation metrics in Cubiko. 

In Advanced Settings check your open hours are current. 

Billings Target

Your billings target is shown on your Total Billings metrics. 

In Advanced Settings click on Practice Budget and ensure your Billings Target is current. 


Targets you set for your individual Practitioners cumulatively become your practice targets shown in metrics. 

In Advanced Settings click on Targets and set either Role Default or individual Practitioner targets to have an accurate Practice target. 


To use both our historical and future Room Utilisation metrics, you need to have your room roster set up.

In Advanced Settings click on Rooms and create the required number of rooms for your practice and add your Practitioners to these rooms. 

Ensure this is up to date.




Use the search function to quickly navigate to these metrics in Cubiko.  You can also add them to your Favourites page for quick reference each month. 


Why check?

What to look for

Uncompleted patient  appointments 


Find appointments that have not been marked as completed in your appointment book, and therefore have possibly not been billed.  

Check your patient appointment types that still have a status of waiting, with Dr or at billing to ensure there are no missed billings for the practice. 

Unbilled appointments

Find appointments that have been marked in your appointment book as completed but have no corresponding invoice raised for that service date. 

Refine your list by role (such as Doctor) to check appointments that have no invoice for your billing Practitioners. 

There will generally be some appointments where no invoice is created (e.g. normal aftercare). You can use the appointment type filter to remove those appointments from the list to check. 

Billings on hold

Check your held accounts to ensure all accounts that can be processed, have been, for the current month to increase your cash flow. 

Review the list for held accounts that can be finalised and sent to Medicare/DVA.

Unbatched invoices

To increase cash flow to the practice, ensure your online claiming to Medicare and DVA is up to date. 

Check this metric to see if there are any unbatched invoices that can be sent for payment. 

Outstanding rejections

Rejections from Medicare and DVA need reviewed and actioned on a regular basis to be able to resubmit for payment.

Review for outstanding rejections that have not been actioned and provide these lists to your Practitioners for advice on what item numbers to resubmit if rejections have occurred. 

Reconciliation page

Cubiko's reconciliation page can be accessed in the footer on the dashboard. You can use this page to quickly view which Users and Appointment types have been marked for inclusion in Cubiko metrics and also reconcile your services reports with your PMS. 

Go to Users and appointment types metric on the Reconciliation page and review your active BP users list and appointment types list to easily see which are included in your Cubiko metrics.