Cubiko patient definitions

What types of patients are we looking at in Cubiko and how are they defined?

Our metrics are designed to assist practices with data that allows them to plan, measure and set goals. To do this, our customers need accurate data about their active patients.

So, what do we mean when we say patient?

There are a few ways that this may apply. We will define and give examples of each case of the below definitions, in this article:

Active patient

This means that the patient is marked as 'active' in your Practice Management Software (PMS). Patients are often marked as inactive if they have informed the Practice that they no longer require their service or if they are marked as deceased. 

Whenever we use this definition in Cubiko, we refer to it as "Active patients" or in some cases "Database patients", which will be specified in the tooltip.

Examples of where "Active patients" can be found in Cubiko are;

  • QIM: 75 + Health Assessment metric

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Patients with 3+ appts in 2 yrs and RACGP active patient

The RACGP provides a definition that they use for active patients which is patients who have attended the practice three or more times over the last two years.

Cubiko then interprets this as patients who have had at least three appointments that were completed, billed or paid and have attended three or more times over the last two years.

Cubiko also only looks at the locations that are selected to be included in your data set when you set up your Cubiko dashboard. 

Whenever we use this definition in Cubiko, we refer to it as "RACGP active patient" or "Patients with 3 + appts in 2 yrs".

Examples of where 'Patients with 3+ appts in 2 yrs' and 'RACGP active patient' can be found in Cubiko are:

  • Item optimisation metrics

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RACGP inactive patient

Based on the definition of an RACGP active patient, this is the inverse definition, so those patients that have not had an appointment three or more times over the last two years.

Cubiko interprets this as patients who have not had at least three appointments that were completed, billed or paid and not have attended three or more times over the last two years.

Cubiko also only looks at the locations that were selected when you signed up for Cubiko.


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Alternative definitions of active patient

Our partners may interpret the definition of RACGP active patients differently to Cubiko. In cases like these, we may use their definition to ensure data reconciles between the systems. If this happens, the alternative definition will be provided in the cabinet text at the top of the screen, specifying what this means when you are looking at your data.

Whenever we use this definition in Cubiko, we will specifically reference the definition on the page you are looking at, or in the tooltip of the metric.

Examples of where we have alternative active patient definitions in Cubiko are;

  • QIM 05: Proportion of patients with diabetes who were immunised against influenza
  • QIM 06: Proportion of patients with COPD who were immunised against influenza
  • QIM 10: Proportion of patients with diabetes with a blood pressure result

TOP TIP! Look for the detailed definitions in the tooltip on our metrics, so you can understand which kind of patient we are showing in the data. 


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